Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How to make servlet relaodable in tomcat server

During development phase it as advisable to make servlet reloadable as one need not to restart the tomcat server after making any changes in servlet.

For doing this edit Context.xml file in Conf dir of tomcat and put a line in header
as relaodable="true" restart the tomcat server

upto tomcat 5.5 this holds true.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How to create a new user after initializing a database for first time

Do the following :

su -

su - poatgres

createuser -d //-d give user to permission to create a new database


after that you may create a database which is owned by above user

createdb -O

then you may dump a database owned by the above mentioned user

hopes this will work. Good luck

~org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection rejected: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "username"

This occur when user have not sufficient permission to access the database

to avoid this problem to happen modify the pg_hba.conf file as per detail given below


host all all trust

hopes this will work.
Good luck !!